I've worked with Karl Welz and his devices since he first went online with his orgone generators, and then orgonite (the original formula, which has been drastically improved). I wanted to get into the new orgonite to go along with my radionic devices as well as just using the generator with the transfer couple to keep anxiety at bay. I figured I'd start with the JU-99 and the transfer couple made with the new super orgonite. Even though this is considered the most basic entry- level generator, it has plenty of power for a single person to use or boost a basic radionic device. This equipment is the real deal. Don't waste time or money on those decorative pyramids from Amazon, Etsy, etc. these devices are made in the USA and the quality can be easily measured with the right equipment - and it is the strongest you can find. The 7.83 Hz frequency is spot on accurate. Even the transfer couple is perfectly made. You can instantly tell that a lot of thought and care went into the making of each piece. Needless to say, I'll be getting the bigger stuff. It's great to see these tools still available after the sad passing of Karl Welz. Obviously, this was all entrusted to people who hold the equipment, communications, etc to the highest standards.
Looking for the best? Here is where you'll find it. Look no further and you'll have all you can imagine - if you are new or a veteran. These devices will blow you away!