I've been using radionics for over 10 years now with boxes, I've bought from other vendors. None of them work. I've bought orgone pyramids and pendants from ebay, etc. None of them work.
The pendant I bought from you, actually accumalated orgone and I can program it with my mind. It fills me with the life force energy, with my intent overridng my doubts about hem being achieved.
I then bought your Rad 1000. It actually generates orgone energy, unlike the boxes I've been using for over 10 years, which don't generate anything. It feels like their working but, orgone doesn't not accumalate nor generate, like with the rad 1000.
I put a couple of the ebay pyramids I had that don't do anything on their own, next to the Rad 1000 and now they work and actually feed off the Rad 1000 and they are generating orgone now.
I made a couple of transfer cards with pieces of paper and linked between the box and my wallet, where I put the other transfer card.
I don't even have the rad 1000 on and it doesn't matter, the orgone transfers even 10 miles away, when I'm at work.
It's like a stream of energy, coming out of my wallet to me.
The only regret I have is that I didn't buy the rad 2000 instead. I was thinking of ebaying these other boxes I have,, to get some money to buy a bigger box from you. But I don't want to rip anybody off, so I'll just have to just leave them in the closet, where I put them, since getting the Rad 1000