How to Create Successful Manifestations – Life Energy, Structural Links, and Why Manifestations Fail
This is Part 1 in a three-part series covering how to use an Orgone Generator® effectively. In this article, we discuss basic Life Force terminology, structural links (what they are, why they’re important, and how to create them), and the fundamental elements of a successful manifestation. While our devices are flexible and can accommodate many different methods and belief systems, we believe that all methods can be boiled down to a few basic principles. This information is foundational and is essential reading for those who want to understand and effectively utilize one of our Orgone Generators.
Part 2: Creating Effective Operations - Structural Links Applied
Part 3: Life Force Exercises - Learn to See, Feel, and Project Life Energy
"The shortest distance between two points is a structural link." - Karl Welz
Topics Covered:
I. Life Force TerminologyII. Basic Elements of a Manifestation
III. Sources of Life Energy
IV. Elements of a Successful Manifestation – and Why Manifestations Fail
V. Advantages of Orgone-Powered Manifestations
VI. Structural Link Examples
VII. Summary - Key Takeaways
VIII. Video Walkthrough

Life Force Terminology
We use certain terms throughout this article and when discussing our devices in general. Though you may at first feel uncomfortable learning the lingo, you are likely already familiar with the concepts. In general, these ideas are already widely known, straightforward, and you will easily understand and apply them with some simple reading and practice.
Target - the person or thing for whom or which you want to create an effect or result. The Target of a manifestation can be yourself, another person, multiple other people, an animal, an object - basically, anyone or anything you want to influence as part of a manifestation.
Trend - the planned effect or desired result/outcome of a manifestation. Basically, a Trend is your intention or what you want to occur.
Life Energy - universal Life Energy that has been recognized by all cultures around the world throughout history. Life Energy has been called many names - Orgone, Chi, Prana, Life Force, Mana, Od, Élan Vital, etc. For our purposes, all of these terms are synonymous and are used interchangeably. We believe Life Energy transfers at any distance, without loss of energy, provided that there are sufficient structural links present to make the transfer possible. As the name of our products suggests, we believe our devices generate Orgone/Chi/Life Energy. And, importantly, we believe that someone using one of our devices can consciously direct and control the Life Energy produced by one of our Orgone Generators. As explained below, we believe the presence or absence of sufficient Life Energy is often the decisive factor in whether a manifestation will succeed or fail.
Structural Link - an “energetic link” with a Target or Trend. A structural link functions as the “bridge” or “power line” that allows Life Energy to transfer between a Target and Trend to carry a manifestation to completion. As discussed below, structural links can take many different forms. However, there are two basic types of structural links:
1) Identical structural link - an identical structural link is anything that is a unique, exact match with a Target or Trend. For example, an identical structural link for yourself would be something that contains your DNA - for instance, a piece of hair, fingernail clippings, etc. This is an identical structural link because it contains identical genetic code to your own that you currently possess. An identical structural link is probably the strongest type of structural link and should be used when possible.
2) Equivalent structural link - an equivalent structural link is anything that represents a Target or Trend. For example, an equivalent structural link for yourself would be a recent photograph. An equivalent structural link is not identical because it is not a unique, exact match of the Target or Trend. However, because it represents the Target or Trend, there is still an “energetic tether” to that Target or Trend. In practice, equivalent structural links are more common than identical structural links.
In theory, an identical structural link and equivalent structural link should be equivalent and work with the same power. However, we recommend using an identical structural link when possible. What all structural links have in common is that they create an “energetic connection” with a Target or Trend. Using structural links, one can access anything in the universe. In fact, everyone already uses structural links nearly all the time - just without knowing their name and without truly understanding how they are used most effectively.
Target Link – a structural link representing the Target of a manifestation. A Target Link can be an identical structural link or an equivalent structural link. A good Target Link is an essential element for a successful manifestation.
Trend Link – a structural link representing the Trend of a manifestation. A Trend Link can be an identical structural link or an equivalent structural link. A good Trend Link is an essential element for a successful manifestation.
Operation - this is basically another name for a manifestation. A useful shorthand definition of an Operation is the following “equation”:
Target + Trend + Life Energy = Operation
When we discuss using an Orgone Generator®, we frame our discussion in terms of setting up and energizing Operations. When we compare the relative strength of different Orgone Generators, we speak about how many Operations an Orgone Generator® can perform simultaneously and how strong those Operations would be.
In general, we believe the equation above is one of the most useful mental models you will find anywhere – once you understand and internalize it, you begin to see it everywhere.
Action at a distance - this basically means a manifestation. You may come across the phrase “creates action at a distance” - this basically means “bringing something to manifestation”. This phrase is particularly popular in radionics. While we use the phrase in some places, we tend to avoid to avoid it since it is fairly technical. But Karl and other use it fairly frequently, so we are defining it to help you understand what it means in case you come across it.
Basic Elements of Manifestation
All manifestations, regardless of form or method, have three fundamental elements:
1) A Target;
2) A desired effect/result/outcome (the Trend);
3) Life Energy that powers the manifestation to completion.
At the root of all manifestation efforts is the process of connecting with a Target, connecting with a Trend, and bringing the Target and Trend together using Life Energy.
Consider a frequently recommended manifestation technique – visualization. Many Law of Attraction gurus state that you should visualize your desired outcome frequently and vividly. In addition to using “mental” visualization, they recommend also deeply “feeling” the experience of obtaining your desired outcome in order to help you “step into” that reality as if it has already occurred, thereby drawing your desired result to you. As part of the visualization process, you may be told to use tools such as written intentions, a vision board, affirmations, etc.
Let’s say you want a specific type of car. To “get on the same vibration or frequency” of your desired car, you may be told to visualize the specific car very clearly, find a photo of that car and look at it daily, write down your intention to have that car and re-affirm that intention daily, among other things. Many teachers even recommend taking a test drive in the car you want so you can smell it, feel the seats and steering wheel, visualize yourself driving the car home, and deeply feel what it would be like to drive the car around and show it off to your friends and family.
In this example, the Target of the manifestation is You. The Trend (desired outcome) is getting the specific car you want. The methods of connecting with your desired outcome – the mental and emotional visualization, written intention, photos, and experience test-driving the car – are all structural links. And the Life Energy to power the manifestation is your own innate Life Energy.
Sources of Life Energy
The source of Life Energy for a manifestation is an important point. All living things generate their own Life Energy – so, you are, in fact, an Orgone energy generator yourself! You produce your own Chi and have the ability to consciously harness, concentrate, and direct your own innate Life Force. This is the focus of most personal development techniques and programs – enhancing and focusing one’s own Life Force to achieve desired goals. A person’s own innate Life Energy is the most common source of Life Force for most manifestations.
You can also use Life Energy derived from your surrounding environment or from other people. You can only draw Life Energy from your surrounding environment if the area itself is “high Chi” – pristine, natural environments with thriving plant and animal Life and a great deal of movement (e.g. flowing water) are best. This is why many spiritual masters throughout the ages have had transcendental experiences and chosen to live in the wilderness.
It is also possible to draw Life Energy from other people. Think of a group of creative people getting together and lighting up each other’s imaginations. Or a successful team that has great “chemistry”. This is simply Life Energy being passed back and forth, making the whole greater than the sum of parts. Drawing on other people’s Life Force is a secret many gurus use to power their own manifestations.
Take, for example, Tony Robbins. Regardless of what you think about him, it is very clear that Tony Robbins excels at manifestation, having gone from relative poverty to having an estimated net worth of $500 million, a rolodex full of famous and influential people, and his methods absorbed and utilized by tens of millions of people worldwide. Tony Robbins’ fame and live events give him access to the Life Energy of thousands or millions of people each year. Fame itself involves being a focal point of Life Energy – people are constantly thinking about and putting their hopes and dreams in the “you” that exists on their screens and in their minds (which is just a Target Link to you). Live events full of devoted followers provide even more direct access to other people’s Life Energy. At a Tony Robbins event, the entire event structure - the loud music, the group exercises, the cheering - is designed to enhance and harness the Life Energy of the attendees. Robbins himself follows a strict morning routine designed to energize his own Life Energy and warms up for events by bouncing on a trampoline and passionately repeating specific affirmations to himself. So, in addition to being excellent at building up and directing his own Life Force, Tony Robbins is able to take the Life Force of his fans and direct that to his own manifestations. The fact that he is a “personal development” guru creates an even more powerful “virtuous cycle” – he focuses on enhancing and focusing the Life Energy of the people at his events who in turn send him their Life Energy to use as he sees fit.
In short, Life Energy is the engine behind a manifestation. Put another way, if the structural links to a Target and Trend of a manifestation are the “bridges” or “power lines” of the Operation, then Life Energy is the “carrier” or “electricity” that crosses the structural links to fulfill the manifestation.
Elements of a Successful Manifestation – and Why Manifestations Fail:
The source and strength of Life Energy is so crucial because the primary reason a manifestation fails is lack of sufficient Life Energy to bring about the desired outcome. Simply put, most people do not consistently harness or focus enough of the Life Energy they have access to for a long enough time to manifest what they want.
Based on the foregoing discussion, we can conclude that there are three basic elements to any successful manifestation. If any one of these elements is missing, then the manifestation is doomed to fail:
1. A sufficiently strong Target Link (representing the Target of the manifestation)
2. A sufficiently strong Trend Link (representing the planned effect);
3. Sufficiently strong Life Force (providing the manifestation with the energy to succeed).
In most cases, the presence or absence of sufficient Life Energy is the decisive factor. A lack of sufficient Life Force to power a manifestation leads to inconsistent, slower, and reduced results. This is most people’s experience. The simple truth is that the majority of people are not very good at manifestation. Most people do not understand the importance of structural links and the crucial role Life Energy plays in an Operation and, thus, are left wanting much more than they get.
In contrast, a manifestation powered by substantial Life Force generates faster, easier, and more complete results. This is the experience of more advanced manifestation practitioners who have spent countless hours (and likely tens of thousands of dollars) learning to build up and focus their own Life Energy and who may also have built up a group of followers whose Life Energy they can also pull from. This is also the experience of those who properly use our Orgone Generators, which we believe provide substantial advantages over the methods and results of even advanced manifestation practitioners.
Advantages of Orgone-Powered Manifestation
An Orgone Generator® provides two key advantages that put the owner of one of our machines "light years" ahead of the normal “manifestor”.
First, an Orgone Generator® produces a continuous flow of concentrated Life Energy that you can draw on and consciously direct to power your manifestation. This is a massive advantage since the Life Force produced by an Orgone Generator® is reliably consistent unlike the other sources of Life Energy. One’s own Life Energy must be continually and intentionally boosted to maintain peak state and can be negatively affected by poor food sources, negative environment, toxic people, lack of physical conditioning, and the constant low-level stress that is pervasive in our societies. Additionally, most people in our modern world do not live in high Chi areas and are instead surrounded by stagnant energy and negative frequencies that pollute our auric fields. And, most people do not have a large group of devoted followers sending them Life Energy – even if they did, harnessing and directing Life Energy harvested from others involves advanced techniques that are not commonly known. So, having a reliable, consistent, powerful source of positive Life Energy that you can draw from and direct at will gives you the capacity to “manifest on demand”. In essence, you can tap into the type of power previously only available to advanced manifestation practitioners without the time, effort, and money spent on developing and perfecting your application of common Law of Attraction methods. If you are already an advanced practitioner yourself, then stacking your current methods with the Life Force from an Orgone Generator® may lead to truly exponential improvements.
The second major advantage of using one of our Orgone Generators is that a manifestation stays powered even when you are not focusing on it. Even advanced practitioners must consistently and intensely focus on the goal of a manifestation in order to maintain the energetic link with their desired outcome and channel their Life Force to bring about that desired result. Such focusing can be problematic for most people because we cannot focus on one thing at all times. This problem is magnified if you desire to manifest multiple desired results simultaneously - if we cannot focus on a single thing at all times, we certainly can’t focus on multiple different things at all times! Though disciplined habits, daily practice, and intense effort can certainly help give rise to successful manifestations, we cannot escape the fundamental fact that our brains and body are wired to move from thought to thought, feeling to feeling, fluidly throughout the day.
An Orgone Generator® solves this problem through the intentional use of structural links and by providing a concentrated Life Energy source that you do not have to consciously harness and that you only need to direct a single time. Simply put, an Orgone Generator® enables you to “set and forget” a manifestation and still achieve the desired result. The use of structural links in combination with an Orgone Generator® can power a manifestation even when you do nothing else besides set up the Operation and run it using the Life Energy of the Orgone Generator®. Many people, ourselves included, have commented on how they set up an Operation, forgot about it, then were reminded the Operation was running when they received the desired effect “out of the blue”. Additionally, most of our Orgone Generators support the ability to power many individual manifestations simultaneously. These capabilities provide a decisive advantage over all other currently known methods of manifestation.
Structural Link Examples
We often describe our devices as “versatile” or “flexible” and able to accommodate a wide range of belief systems and manifestation methods. In this section, we provide a list structural links that we or our customers have used in order to give you an idea of the range of possibilities that are open to you in using our devices.
Many esoteric traditions rely on preparing structural links that are very complex in nature and require a great deal of concentration and work to set up. At its root, all ritual is simply the preparation of structural links and the channeling of Life Energy through those links to create a desired result. The more elaborate the ritual is, the more of a challenge it is to master, and the fewer people have access to its power.
Our Orgone Generators dramatically simplify the process of creating powerful structural links and channeling Life Force through them. In addition to producing concentrated Life Energy at the flip of a button, our devices optimize the creation and effect of structural links and feed them with massive amounts of targeted Life Force. This makes the crafting of complicated structural links unnecessary and a thing of the past and opens up the power of Life Force to everyone.
1) Target Link Examples:
As previously mentioned, the Target Link is the structural/energetic link to the Target of a manifestation. A Target Link has sometimes been called a “witness” or “psychic link”. As mentioned, the Target of an Operation can basically be anything -- a person, an object, an entity containing many people (e.g. a company), etc. A strong Target Link is one of the key elements of creating a successful manifestation.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of common Target Links:
•Clear mental image of the Target - this is sometimes the easiest Target Link to create (we discuss this method in more detail in Part 3 of this series).
•Radionic rate that is set while focusing on the Target - some of our devices incorporate radionics functionality and can be used to set radionic rates. Holding an image of the Target in your mind as you set a rate can be an effective way to “program”, “freeze”, or “dial in” the Target into the machine.
•Item containing the Target’s DNA, such as hair, fingernail clipping, blood, saliva, etc. -- these would be an identical structural link to the Target and perhaps the strongest structural link you could create.
•Recent photograph – the more recent the photo, the better. Also, it is best to use a picture of the Target that does not contain visible logos and is not photoshopped or created for commercial publication (as these photos are often imprinted with the energy of the photographer and brand for a specific purpose - in essence, they have their own structural links already “embedded”).
•Written note with the name of the Target - more information (such as birthday) could also be helpful, but the main aspect is that you have the person in mind and “imprint” that vision into the note as you write.
•Something that represents the Target -- the closer the connection, the better (i.e. a piece of clothing that belongs to the Target could be better than an abstract painting of the Target).
2) Trend Link Examples:
As previously mentioned, the Trend Link is the structural/energetic link to the Trend of a manifestation - the desired outcome, effect, or result. Since a Trend Link is representative of a desired result, it can be viewed as a “modulator” of Life Force -- in essence, it provides information that directs the Life Force field to perform a specific action. A strong Trend Link is one of the key elements of creating a successful manifestation.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of Trend Links:
•Clear mental image of the Trend
•Radionic rate that is set while focusing on the Trend
•Photograph or other picture
•Written note containing the Trend (e.g. a written intention)
•Vision boards
•Hertz frequencies
•Astrological formations
•Signatures of Spirits
•Frequency Patterns
•Symbolic Objects
•Essential oils
•Angel cards
Summary – Key Takeaways
•Life Energy has been called many names - Orgone, Chi, Prana, Life Force, Mana, Od, Élan Vital, etc. We believe all of these terms are synonymous and can be used interchangeably.
•We believe Life Energy transfers at any distance, without loss of energy, provided that there are sufficient structural links present to make the transfer possible.
•We believe our devices generate Orgone/Chi/Life Energy and that someone can consciously direct and control the Life Energy produced by one of our Orgone Generators.
•A “structural link” is an energetic link with a Target or Trend. A structural link functions as the “bridge” or “power line” that allows Life Energy to transfer between a Target and Trend to carry a manifestation to completion.
•Structural links can take many different forms, but there are two basic types of structural links:
1) Identical structural link - anything that is a unique, exact match with a Target or Trend.
2) Equivalent structural link - anything that represents a Target or Trend.
In theory, an identical structural link and equivalent structural link should be equivalent and work with the same power. However, we recommend using an identical structural link when possible. What all structural links have in common is that they create an “energetic connection” with a Target or Trend.
•A Target Link is a structural link representing the Target of a manifestation. A good Target Link is an essential element for a successful manifestation.
•A Trend Link is a structural link representing the Trend of a manifestation. A good Trend Link is an essential element for a successful manifestation.
•All manifestations, regardless of form or method, have three fundamental elements:
1) A Target;
2) A Trend (desired effect/result/outcome);
3) Life Energy to power the manifestation.
•The most common sources of Life Energy for most manifestations is a person’s own innate Life Energy, Life Energy derived from the surrounding environment, and Life Energy derived from other people.
•Life Energy is the “engine” behind a manifestation. In a manifestation, the structural links to a Target and Trend are the “bridges” or “power lines” of the Operation, and Life Energy is the “carrier” or “electricity” that crosses the structural links to fulfill the manifestation.
•The primary reason a manifestation fails is lack of sufficient Life Energy to bring about the desired outcome.
•There are three required elements to any successful manifestation.
1. A sufficiently strong Target Link (representing the Target of the manifestation)
2. A sufficiently strong Trend Link (representing the planned effect);
3. Sufficiently strong Life Force (providing the manifestation with the energy to succeed).
•Lack of sufficient Life Force to power a manifestation leads to inconsistent, slower, and reduced results. In contrast, a manifestation powered by substantial Life Force generates faster, easier, and more complete results.
•An Orgone Generator® provides two key advantages for manifestation:
1) An Orgone Generator® produces a continuous, reliable, powerful flow of concentrated Life Energy that you can draw on and consciously direct to power your manifestation.
2) When you use one of our Orgone Generators, a manifestation stays powered even when you are not focusing on it.
•Most of our Orgone Generators support the ability to power many individual manifestations simultaneously.
You can read Part 2: Creating Effective Operations - Structural Links Applied here